Secured £5,773 support for our Tree Group via ‘Forest for Cornwall’ at Cornwall Council, to pay for 500 trees to complement the 300 raised in own tree nursery, extra facilities for our Tree Nursery expansion, signage and activities to create a new Nature Trail next year with a Lawnmower and LANTRA training donated via Medequip to maintain the Nature Trail pathways
Supported a ‘WellFed’ conference of health professionals and growers to find ways to improve nutrition for people with diabetes
Harvest Celebration Open Day (always held on the first Sunday in October)
Hosted corporate volunteering away-days for staff from Sea Salt and the Job Centre
Participated in the LafrowdaDay parades with willow sculptures as well as holding our usual street stall
Delivered Tile-Making and Mosaic Workshops in partnership with ArtsWell for well-being and to brighten our community spaces
Began offering school visits (target of 25-30 by March 2025) funded by FIPL including Sennen Primary, St Just Primary, Newlyn Primary, Mounts Bay Academy, Penwith Wave Academy and Cape Cornwall School
Secured funding from Groundwork UK for an Energy Efficiency Survey of our buildings to be undertaken
Launched a podcast ‘Twist & Sprout’ to increase engagement and education
Added water-harvesting to our chicken sheds funded by SWWwith support fromCape Cornwall SchoolKITES Unit in July
Fenced two maincrop fields in Spring funded by FIPL
Created removable mesh panels in the doors of our tomato polytunnel to improve ventilation for the Summer Season
New outdoor salad beds created designed to better meet demand during the Hungry Gap
Introduced new, sustainable lines into the shop including freshly cut flowers
Designed and produced merchandise (mugs and tote bags) for sale inshop / markets
Advisory role established to assist staff atCornwall Wildlife Trustwith community engagement as part of the Landscape Recovery in the new SSSI (Site of Specific Scientific Interest)
Added extra features to our accessible toilet to make it ‘Stoma-Friendly’
Worked with academics and growers to mapsustainable production within the Dutchy and to explore shared ordering from outside as well as distribution of value added products around Cornwall in a pilot project called ‘Join The Dots’
Updated website, WWOOF profile, created a linktree, a powerpoint presentation, sign-up forms and an online introductory ‘flipbook‘ to improve external communications
Issued two newsletters to supporters (Spring & Summer)
Completed 23/24 planting season with over 700 mixed hedgerow tree saplings planted (some grown ourselves, others funded by Woodland Trust & Forest For Cornwall) and 10 fruit trees planted (private donor)
Secured trees from Forest for Cornwall to support our Tree Group to plant saplings as shelterbelts around one of our Maincrop fields
Produced a Land Management Plan
CEVAS Accreditation achieved via LEAF to enable educational visits
Employed a part-time Events Co-ordinator Jan 2024 – March 2025
Introduced better branding and print literature
Secured £46,840 funding from FIPL ready to deliver 6f deer/rabbit fencing around our chicken/maincrop fields in 2024 and secured a further £7400 in match funding donations to appoint an Events Co-ordinator to deliver a programme of volunteering, educational visits and seasonal events
Attracted 5 new Directors bringing relevant skills and increased capacity to the Board
Achieved Community Hub Status (with support from Volunteer Cornwall)
Brushcutter Training, Safeguarding Training and DBS checks completed
1 Memory Cafe group, 1 Home Ed group, 1 scout group, 3 primary schools, 3 secondary school visits hosted including one SEND group visiting weekly
Royal Horticultural Society – Outstanding Award
Permaculture courses began in partnership with WEA
Placements delivered via Learn Your Way, Mounts Bay Academy and Penwith College
Harvest Open Day, 1st Sunday in Oct
Plunkett Foundation – National winner of the Training & Employment category
Rainwater harvesting system installed Summer (funded by £18,655.14 from Penwith Landscape Partnership & £9641.03 from South West Water)
Bioblitz wildlife survey undertaken in partnership with PLP
Speaker at the Cornwall Sustainable Food Summit
Secured £2k from the Tree Council ‘Branching Out’ fund for shelterbelt trees and support for youth groups to help plant them
Finalist in the South West Farmer Awards
Registered for Tempo Time Credits
Fire safety equipment upgraded
Winner – South West In Bloom – regional ‘In My Neighbourhood’ category
Spring Open Day (Sunday before the Easter weekend)
Wildflower Propagation and small Tree Nursery began Spring (with a £2,995 grant from Penwith Landscape Partnership)
Completed the EU-funded, award-winning Bosavern Training & Work Experience Project (aka GEP) 2020-2022 intensively assisting over 40 unemployed adults with confidence, skills and helping them into employment and training while supporting a further 60 with advice and signposting. See evaluation results here.
Drainage added to allotments field
Winner of the St Just Town Council Community Group Award
Rabbit proof fencing added to allotments field & fencing for shelter added to Market Garden
Cornwall Sustainability Awards – Highly Commended
Cornwall Sustainability Awards – Winner
Purchase of the Farm by Bosavern Community Enterprises Ltd (BCEnts) financed by a substantial grant from Local Food Lottery (Big Lottery Fund) , a Community Share Offer and a loan from a local benefactor.
Cornwall Council decided to sell the farm and buildings, some visionary members of the local community rallied others.
Members of the community teamed up to lease the farm from Cornwall Council and began growing vegetables on the farm.
The farm was originally used as a training farm to encourage new farmers into agriculture at the end of WW1