
We are the largest CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) project in Cornwall with 36 acres and, having started in 2011, we are the 2nd oldest. We are signed up to the Community Supported Agriculture charter.

Organic Principles

We aim for minimal input in relation to our output. Our chickens are fed organic feed and we make use of chicken manure to enrich the soil as part of a four year crop cycle.  We don’t use chemicals on the land, we actively protect and enhance biodiversity, we keep bees, we manage our habitats for wildlife and pollinators throughout the farm and we recognise the importance of our heritage hedgerows in providing nature corridors. We have wildflower meadows and we are planting and caring for thousands of trees in our community woodland as well as creating shelter belts for our crops and for our workers.  Bosavern is not certified organic but we do farm with organic principles. We have not changed our working practices since we were registered as organic and we have chosen not to continue with our registration because of the cost of getting the organic licence but also the higher costs we would have to pass on to our customers if we only used certified organic suppliers. We use organic, or local suppliers, wherever we can.


Soil Health

We  are mindful of the role soil plays in carbon capture and the importance of leaving the many and varied life forms in the soil undisturbed. Therefore we reduce tillage to an absolute minimum and we have some areas of ‘no dig’. For it is the life in our soil that provides nutrients for our produce to absorb and our chickens to eat! Microbes degrade dead material and recycle it into smaller and smaller pieces, until it is available for plants to take up through their roots. They also enable better water filtration and water holding capacity of the soil, by creating soil aggregates, which is important due to our increased weather extremes. We try not to compact the ground because we know that healthy soil needs air pockets, so we use minimum mechanisation and we take care to walk only on our paths and not the beds. Every year, we add extra organic matter into our soil to further enrich the quality.  Healthy soil produces healthy food to sustain healthy people and helps to slow the rate and effects of climate change.

Benefits to People & The Planet

There are multiple proven benefits of Community Supported Agriculture. By buying our produce, becoming a shareholder or helping at our farm you are mitigating against climate change, regenerating the soil, increasing biodiversity, increasing skills, educating the next generation, making the community more resilient, as well as improving your own gut health, mental health and physical health.

A target of ‘Providing land and support for Community Growing Schemes’ was recently identified by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Leadership Board (see report here) as being the top priority action for Cornwall in recognition of the impact groups like ours can make in addressing the biggest challenges of our times (climate, biodiversity, mental health, pollution, skills and employability, food security) and in recognition that everyone in Cornwall (individuals, community groups, local authorities, businesses, funders) can find a way to lend support to this movement. And the great news is, there is an extensive network of agroecological growers in Cornwall as well as regenerative farms, organic Market Gardens, Community Orchards, CSAs, Social Farms & Gardens, WWOOFers and other ethical grassroots projects, worldwide! And we are growing in numbers each year. Our combined impact is making an enormous difference for people and the planet; join us!

Tune into our podcast and find out more about our volunteering, events, shareholder membership, buying our produce, or traveling to experience other farms like ours via the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms  scheme.



Grow Wild

Wheel Buzzy

Trees for Bees
