Tues 17th Sept, 10:30-12:30*
Tues 24th Sept, 10:30-12:30*
*one booking per person
Book onto one of our FREE Fantastical Bee Mosaics workshops to create a mosaic tile of fantastical bee or other wild pollinator using found objects. Meet like-minded people and let your creativity run wild with experienced arts practitioners.
The resulting tiles will be installed as points of interest for all ages to discover, hidden along a new farm nature trail.
Who can come:
These mosaic workshops are suitable for ages 8yrs – 88yrs+
What to expect and what to bring:
Experienced practitioners John Keys and Alessandra Ausenda from Tough Dough will guide you through the process of creating a mosaic tile within a fun and supportive environment. You will design and create a tile using found objects embedded in cement that will be finished, ready to dry, by the end of the 2 hr session.
Break-time refreshments and resources are provided. The workshop will take place outdoors if the weather is fine, or inside our multi-use community polytunnel. Please wear sturdy footwear (trainers or boots) and weather-appropriate clothing (sun hats and sun block if hot, layered clothing if cold).
Please bring an apron or old T-shirt to work in. Gloves will be provided to protect hands.
In partnership with Tough Dough and Artswell, funded by Levelling-Up.